Cougar AS-532 crew training

Advanced Pilot Readiness training in challenging environments and missions for Cougar AS-532 helicopter crews.

Flying a Cougar safely in critical environments depends on crew coordination and sensitive decisions of both pilots and the loadmaster. To support training of the pilot flying, and his crew, the Desdemona motion simulator is coupled in real-time to different loadmaster cabin simulators (both mock-up and Virtual Reality solutions). Training scenarios include bowl landings, pinnacle approaches, brownout/whiteout landings and adverse weather conditions. Key learning points, for both pilots and loadmaster, concern susceptibility to Spatial Disorientation in those scenarios. It is not just the pilot that is susceptible to disorientation; so is his crew!

Crew training of sling load operations in the mountains

Available training courses

The following training courses for the AS-532 Cougar helicopter are currently available in the Desdemona simulator:

  1. Introduction to mountain flying, and Spatial Disorientation awareness
  2. Sling load operations in mountain terrain

In addition, customized training courses for Pilot Readiness in challenging environments can be simulated on demand.